Wills and Estate Planning

We advise individuals on all aspects of Will drafting and advice is tailored to your specific circumstances and needs. Drafting of the Will together with our client care letter clearly summarising your instructions and the advice given at your appointment, a further appointment to execute your Will and have this correctly witnessed. We can also arrange storage of your Will. It usually takes no longer than three weeks, from your initial appointment to finalisation and execution of your Will.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting powers of Attorney (LPAs) are documents executed by you (the donor) appointing another individual or individuals to manage your property & financial affairs and/or health & welfare decisions.

Post 2007, LPAs replaced Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs). EPAs are still valid legal documents and require registration at the point the donor is beginning to or has lost mental capacity. LPAs must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian (“OPG”) before being used by the attorney(s) and is included with our service.

Court of Protection

When an individual loses capacity and does not have a valid LPA, those who would like to manage the incapacitated persons affairs, will need to make an application to the Court of Protection. If appointed by the Court, you will become a deputy.

You can apply to become someone’s deputy if the person is unable to make decision(s) for themselves, at the time it needs to be made. There are many reasons why a person lacks mental capacity such as: dementia, brain injury, learning disabilities

If you are appointed by the Court as a deputy, you will be authorised to make decisions on their behalf.